Adventures are never smooth. That’s why they’re called adventures, though this was not what I was thinking during some of the more challenging moments yesterday as we embarked on our trip west. It began with a shock to the system when we arrived at the airport expecting curbside checkin only to find there wasn’t any and then we saw how many other people were also traveling. No more stories of planes half-full, breezing through security because everyone was staying home, no this was more like “Christmas came early”.
We walked over a mile through the maze that now constitutes a TSA line. Luckily we had left our house earlier than we’d planned, because it took us over an hour just to get through security. Our plane was boarding by the time we found the gate. Grateful to have made our flight we took our seats. The flight was packed, the airline personnel seemed particularly stressed or maybe it was just that we hadn’t flown in over a year, so the whole experience was like being punched repeatedly in the face.
I was determined to drink tons of water with the hope that I’d stave off any headaches, however this plan failed miserably. So there we were sequestered in airplane seats that I swear were even narrower than when I last flew just a year and a half ago, wearing masks that steamed up our glasses and added to the feeling of claustrophobia and general discomfort. Am I complaining? Yes. Yes, I am. This was supposed to be a funny bit about the perils of traveling. Well, let’s see if I can recalibrate… Nope. It was basically like signing up and paying quite a bit of money to be tortured for 4 hours. In addition my plan to avoid getting a headache by drinking gallons of water failed miserably and so in addition to having to pee every 15 minutes I also felt as though my head was going to explode and I began to feel nauseous.
I could go on and on, the car rental turned into another “adventure” and I put that in quotes because the whole idea of an adventure is that it’s supposed to have elements of fun. No? Okay, whatever. Suffice it to say, there were shuttle busses involved, more long, long, long lines, endless waiting, waiting, waiting, lack of staff everywhere to accommodate the hordes of people all of whom had the same, increasingly seeming bad idea as we did. “Let’s go have an adventure!” Well, not so fast bucko. Maybe we should rethink this whole “vacation” idea.
And then we finally got to the car lot and things became downright comical. First of all we couldn’t find the car, nor could we read the woman’s hand writing who’d written or told us or both (who can remember at this point?!) where the car was. Finally we found it, got in and then couldn’t figure out where the gear shift was. Oh, right it’s that little row of buttons under the radio. What?! Oh and the window wipers? They’re touch sensitive so every time my husband went to push one of the buttons to make the car move the wipers would start. How does one turn the wipers off, one might reasonably ask? Who knows. Eventually I roped some poor unsuspecting employee, the only one on the lot, in to give us a tutorial on the basics of our vehicle and finally, finally off we went. Still it was touch and go. I found a power cord for my phone, plugged it in and now the car was paired with my phone, which set off a whole new set of absurd conversations such as this one:
Me: where are we headed?
Hubs: Pastel Canyon
Me: ? Type in Pastel Canyon and get 20 different locations none of which are in the state we are currently in. There isn’t a Pastel Canyon.
Hubs: Hmm… did you type pastel, as in you know, pastel?
Me: slightly exasperated. Yes. I know how to spell pastel.
Car Voice: In 3 miles, turn right.
Hubs: That can’t be right?
Me: Where is she taking us? I haven’t been able to find the right place!
Hubs: Well I have it on my computer. It’s in the bag in the backseat.
Me: rummage around, find bag with computer, open computer, but we have no wifi… We have no wifi.
Car Voice: Turn right.
Hubs: I printed out a sheet with directions. It’s in the front.
Me: desperately look around, but cannot find sheet. Where is the sheet?
Car Voice: now quite determined and insistent Turn right.
Hubs: It’s right there in the pocket.
Me: It’s NOT right there in the pocket or I would have already found it and we wouldn’t be having this conversation!
Hubs: It’s right there in the pocket.
Car Voice: Recalibrating
Me: NO! It isn’t. Oh, wait. Right. Here it is.
Hubs: ___________
Me: This must be the wrong sheet. It doesn’t say Pastel Canyon.
Car Voice: Continue for 81 miles…
Hubs: Can’t you turn that thing off. She’s nagging me.

I could go on and on, but we did eventually make it, despite the fact that our rental car is making bizarre noises any time you accelerate, causing my husband to say, “This is the worst rental car EVER!” And then a little later he added, “I hate everything about this car.” Which has now become a running joke.

Oh and not a single bison sighting… unless you count the bison who gave up his life for the bison burger my husband ate last night for dinner.
The “adventure” continues!
I found travel just as daunting! And very crowded! Hope the rest of your adventure goes smoothly and you can relax.
And you went several weeks ago, didn’t you? I would have thought it was less crowded. Yesterday was insane how crowded it was. Very unexpected!
I’m sorry your having a miserable time ! Zion National park is nuts from April to September! I live here close – your welcome to get in touch with me and I’ll direct you away from the crowd-
Bison… north creatures ! Antelope Island north of salt lake and Yellowstone/ Tetons
My experience with travel is that it often is a bumpy beginning and it could have been much worse! The land here is magnificent. Just spectacular. And last night, the star!!! Just beautiful. As far as those elusive bison go… Good to know. ❤️
I will be more than happy to share our “of the crowds “ hikes.. still part of the Zion , Grand Canyon & Bryce system – Kolob (exit 40 ) is amazing ! Don’t stress looking for Bison in Southern Utah – it’s way to hot … they are north- Layton is 5 hours – Antelope Island… 5 more hours further up I -15 you are in Yellowstone!! Don’t stress here .. your among friends !
Same to any one else wanting to experience the Wild West .. please reach out ..
Aw… thank you so much Leslie. I am reading this as we drive down having spent the afternoon in Bryce Canyon. Absolutely magnificent and the reason why we love to travel. ❤️❤️
Good reason not to travel. I live in the woods and have wildlife come through but I am also close enough to a big city. Best of both worlds. I’m staying home.
I hope the rest of your trip makes up for the start.
Thx Sandy! ❤️
Oh my, what a first day, when you look back at all your notes in a few months you will be able to laugh, we hope. But it all adds to the “adventure” we have had many trips like that, and we had decided the best trips are the unplanned ones, when we would arrange trips, (when we used to travel) everything would go wrong. Think happy thoughts, you will have a great time, it’s all an adventure!
It’s already better, with a new day ahead of us! It is just magical here!
I will not fly because I had similar experiences the last time. We live in Missouri and drove to Hilton Head to avoid flying. Going to Florida in a couple weeks – again driving. So sorry for your headaches. The rest you can laugh off. Hope you guys really enjoy this trip. Zion is on my bucket list…but I think I’ll drive.
Zion is just beautiful. Absolutely magical and I am SO glad we are here. Yes, it was a rough start, but now that we’re here, I’m so glad.
I’m more than happy to help answer questions – I live in Hurricane ( part time ) If you notice black lava rock among the beautiful red- From the Yellowstone volcano 2 billion years ago -( rather odd tid bit of info) – but that’s why …
The smaller towns out side the west entrance to Zion have wonderful art galleries- I hope you get a chance to stop & visit – if you have couple free hours – check out a Razor from Sand Hallow Reservoir.. head to the hills and enjoy the red sand and incredible views into Arizona! Grab some fresh pecans from Thompson’s Pecan farm !
Utah is in a drought unfortunately- and extremely High unusual winds – hopefully that won’t detour your plans- so glad you like my end of the world!!
We love your end of the world. Just beautiful!
Hi Ariane, you are a good story teller. I am sorry, but I had a laugh at your expense. I am also sorry your adventurous holiday had such a frustrating start. The landscape looks amazing. I think many people are having the same idea – ‘let’s go on a vacation’. Wishing you a relaxing vacation.
The only way through is with laughter! Seriously, if we can’t laugh at stuff like this, we’re in real trouble. This is truly a spectacular part of the world. ❤️
What an adventure so far, remember things will get better. Perhaps you will never get to your threads. Have a great time.
Things will definitely get better! And not a stitch has been made!!! ❤️
Sorry for the bumps…. BUT… until you experience
leaving NY Kennedy in February dressed for winter arriving in Egypt 90 plus temperatures
THEN find out your luggage is in Paris… no whining
Luggage arrived three days later while cruising the Nile. Luckily I had taken some hand stitching!
I used my embroidery thread as a hanger as my wet clothes hung to dry each night . When my luggage arrived 3 days later it had sand in it… I know some porter pulled it across the desert ….
Have fun… ❤️
Oh Pat! I LOVE this story. ❤️❤️
Sounds like “fun” so far. I never include traveling as part of a vacation because Murphy’s Law always seems to apply. I’m sure you will have a great time once you reach your destination.
Best advice ever. Do NOT include the travel day as vacation!! I’m going to remember that.
I’m so sorry but I found myself laughing a lot through your narrative. The way you wrote it was so funny! Honestly, I am sorry for your first day but the worst is behind you and sounds like things are lookin up. Yes, travel days are not vacation – they’re grunt work.
Haha! I did intend for it to be funny, so I’m glad others thought so. We are laughing and this will be another memorable trip just as all the others have been! ❤️
Oh Ariana, I’m so sorry you both had such a start on your vacation. Sorry I had to laugh a bit, you really have a gift for writing & I’m so glad you’re sharing this with us! I’m sure the stars were wonderful, away from any city lights. As the messages went on I detected a new day & a better feeling. So happy for David & you, have a great time hiking & enjoying the countryside. Stay well & take tons of photos. You’re so determined, I’m sure you’ll get some stitching done. Happy trails!
Thank you Linda. Things are looking up and we had a spectacular day today. Today is an example and the reason we love to travel.
Oh Ariane, I’m so sorry to read all the shortfalls of your first day traveling. I have to admit you’re such a wonderful writer, I had to laugh a bit with you. I’m sure the stars were wonderful away from any city lights. As the comments & replies went on I detected a new day. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the beautiful landscapes in Zion. Take tons of photos to share. You’re so determined I’m sure you’ll get some stitching in. Or sketches done. Stay well & happy trails!
OMGosh… sorry to laugh at all your misfortune but you do have a way of writing that evokes chuckles! Enjoy the majesty and wonder… looking forward to your next post.
Thank you Barbara! Today was magical.
And this is why we have a class B van RV to travel in. I don’t sleep in beds others have slept in, detest flying (always have though I’ve done my share), and what my own bathroom and four wheels on the ground! LOL.
Safe travels and enjoy the hiking, scenery and each other.
Thank you Martha. We had the most magical day today. Lots of RV parks around here! ❤️
Oh dear. I’m leaving in a week to fly to Boston with my daughter and granddaughter for her overdue appointment at the children’s hospital. I guess I better start hoping for the best! And take some stitching too.
Well, hopefully it won’t be as bad. I cannot imagine that this will continue indefinitely. At some point they will have enough staff to accommodate, but I’m guessing this period between pandemic and post pandemic there will be growing pains. We are definitely planning to give ourselves more than an hour before our flight leaves though.
And there was I thinking Ariane is on her way now and can chill….No waaaaay… Sounds an utter nightmare of a trip. (If ‘they’ve’ made those airplane seats narrower since last time I flew then I’m in BIG trouble too…lol). I’m definitely beginning to re-think our trip at the end of the year. Not a plane in sight for that one but hey, your post has warned me to get steeled for it now! Then there’s what sewing bits & bobs do I take…. obviously some forward planning needed.
Seriously, I hope now you have arrived you can relax in the open spaces and enjoy.
Hugs C xx
Someone wrote that they never include the day they travel as their “vacation”. Those are wise words. The vacation starts once you’ve arrived at your destination, everything else is a “slog”. I’m going to remember that moving forward.
We are having a wonderful time. It is absolutely beautiful here. The weather has been amazing, the geography breath taking. It is a good reminder of why we travel and put ourselves through the “getting there” part! ❤️
So happy you are NOW experiencing the Joy of Travel. I can no longer travel but I have an overflowing basket of travel memories.
When I’m watching a program with my grandchildren some wonderful place in US or foreign countries will pop up. I will reach for the remote to freeze the moment!! I say… “Oh, I’ve been there”….followed by a wonderful sharing of the place with my grandchildren … who for a brief minute think Mama Smith is “Cool”.
Make beautiful memories today ❤️❤️
I love hearing about the places you’ve been as well. I think you’re beyond “cool” however my opinion is not fleeting. ❤️
I just had to read your article when I saw the little cottage. You are a great story teller! And also a brave soul, bound and determined, which we all know from your stitching adventures… enjoy your vacation, it sounds beautiful now that you are finally there. I’m not big on traveling especially these days. I drive 3 hours to my summer place which is a Tiny house nestled inside an RV resort near the beach. I feel like I’m in paradise and I don’t often venture out. So glad you were able to get out and do some traveling! Enjoy your time away!
I understand the desire to stay put. Getting from one place to another is not as easy or fun as it used to be, but I do love traveling once I get there! Your little house near the beach sounds lovely!