My mother sent me this photo of a herd of elk near where she lives in Colorado. We used to see herds like this often, but increasingly less as time went on, so it was wonderful to see this.
I actually laughed out loud while watching this one…
And then there’s this for all you dog lovers out there… Too adorable.
Animal Videos, Stitching, Dorset Buttons and a Couple Other Things Thrown in for Good Measure was the original title of this post, but that was way too long, so I had to shorten it.
A friend of mine (and of my mother’s) sent me this video, which of course I had to share. Thank you Linda! ❤️
I added a few Dorset Buttons to my Scissor Case, which I am now declaring finished. Seriously. I need to be stopped. However in my defense I had to wrap a whole bunch of rings in preparation for my advanced Dorset Button workshop that I’m teaching tomorrow and since I was already wrapping them, why not make a few more for the background of the scissor case? I mean, that’s just basic time management at work, right?
How fabulous are these? And I don’t mean that in a boasting kind of way, but more in an exuberant-whoopee-these-are-SO-much-fun kind of way…
These are going to be 5-day workshops once my website is finished and up and running. Did I mention we’ve been working away on that?!
AND this weekend I begin my Improvisational Workshop, which I’m just way too excited about and will need to sit in quiet, meditative, stillness for a few minutes, just to calm down.
Have you ever looked at a piece of cloth, stitched a few stitches into it and thought – well now what? That’s what this Improvisational Stitching Workshop is all about! It will answer the “Now what?” question that can loom so large. We are going to be discussing design, composition, adding different elements, colors, shape, line and pulling the whole thing together into a cohesive piece. I cannot wait. I’m so excited. Did I already say that?!A much larger improvisational stitching piece (44″ x 36″) that I have held off working on, but am SO excited to begin!
First things first. My mother sent me two videos this week and both are too wonderful to not pass along.
The text within this video roughly translates to: “What an animal concert: The Cologne pianist Thelonious Herrmann came up with this unusual idea. He took his piano to the Koln Zoo to play among goats, monkeys and giraffes. Many zoos are closed due to the COVID19 pandemic. He hopes to collect donations for the Cologne Zoo. Usually the young musician travels all over Europe with his piano. He has already toured 18 countries with his project “Stadtgeklimper”. Incidentally, the music for the zoo animals was composed by himself. The sea lions seem to like it in particular!”
And then there’s this. Adorable…
And finally, I have some spaces left in the Dorset Button II workshop, this coming Wednesday, March 31st from 2-5pm EDT.
Dorset Buttons Gone Wild Part II: Wednesday, March 31st 2-5pm EDT. $60 This includes a recording of the entire 3-hour class that you can refer to whenever and as often as you like.
This workshop is for those who’ve already taken the Dorset Buttons Gone Wild Workshop and/or have a good working knowledge of how to make a basic Dorset Button. We will NOT be going over the basics, but instead will be going rogue, incorporating all kinds of other materials as well as changing the way we make the spokes so that you can make “tree-like” Dorset Buttons, as well as more abstract looking buttons.
For those of you who are interested in either workshop you must send payment via Paypal, Venmo or Zelle using my email address:
The Dorset Buttons Workshop was a huge success! As a result I am doing another and have added a Dorset Button II workshop for those who’ve completed the first and/or feel they have a working knowledge of how to make a traditional Dorset Button.
Dorset Buttons Gone Wild Workshop: Wednesday, March 24th 2-5pm EDT. $60. This includes a recording of the entire 3-hour class that you can refer to whenever and as often as you like.
This 3-hour workshop includes making a basic Dorset Button, various ways to start a new thread if your thread runs out at any point along the way, including while wrapping the ring. Adding different threads to make the spokes, as well as how to make the whipped woven center. We will then be adding french knots/colonial knots/drizzle stitches and Bullion Knots/Cast-On Bullion Knots around the outer edge. This workshop is hands on, and will take you through each step of making a Dorset Button for both left handed and right handed stitchers.
The second workshop is:
Dorset Buttons Gone Wild Part II: Wednesday, March 31st 2-5pm EDT. $60 This includes a recording of the entire 3-hour class that you can refer to whenever and as often as you like.
This workshop is for those who’ve already taken the Dorset Buttons Gone Wild Workshop and/or have a good working knowledge of how to make a basic Dorset Button. We will NOT be going over the basics, but instead will be going rogue, incorporating all kinds of other materials as well as changing the way we make the spokes so that you can make “tree-like” Dorset Buttons, as well as more abstract looking buttons.
For those of you who are interested in either workshop you must send payment via Paypal, Venmo or Zelle using my email address: and be sure to specify which class you’re signing up for. Be sure to tell me which you are signing up for or if you’re signing up for both, so I can reserve your spot. For those of you who live outside the United States, I accept personal checks, but you will need to tell me so that I can give you the necessary information.
Traditional Dorset Button leaving the ridge on the outer edge.
Once everyone had mastered that, we moved on to adding stitches such as french knots, a drizzle stitch and bullion knots and cast-on bullion knots around the outer edge.
A traditional Dorset Button with Cast-On Bullions around the outer edge. Using beads and buttons.A Dorset Button like this one will be covered in the Dorset Button II workshop.More Dorset Buttons Gone Rogue!
If you’re interested in either or both workshops, please leave me a comment or reach out to me via email to ensure you have a spot reserved.
For both classes you will need some rings, of any size, but to begin use the ones that are around 1/2″ or so as they will be quicker to wrap than if you start with something that’s over 1″ in diameter. For the Advanced class any size ring will work. Have threads of various weights and types on hand. I suggest both a #18 and #24 Chenille Needle, a tapestry needle in those sizes will work too, as well as a #3 and #1 Milliners needle for making wrap stitches.
I haven’t shared anything from my mother in awhile, so I thought today was as good a day as any for a little humor. Courtesy of my mother, who received this from my brother, I think. Sometimes it’s hard to figure out the source… but regardless, the importance of punctuation.
And now that many of us are getting or have already been vaccinated, there’s this:
A throwback to the early days of the pandemic…
And a few of my own that I found while looking for other things on the internet, which makes one wonder how we manage to get anything done at all!
Not for the faint of heart…
Remember this family? Spoiler alert: It didn’t end well.
Perhaps this will be the new normal moving forward…
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