I did a major clean up of my work area because I’ve got a 2-day workshop beginning this afternoon, except that now I can’t find anything.

This happens more often than you might think. With the best of intentions I do a massive clean-up, methodically putting things away and then begin to work and can’t remember where I put things like my 6″ ruler or my chalk refills for my chalk pencil. So then I go on Amazon and purchase more.

By the time they arrive I’ve discovered where I put the other refills, the ones I spent at least an hour looking for and the whole reason why the I-need-to-do-a-major-clean-up idea seemed like a good one in the first place, and not only that, but realize I’ve got about ten more refills squirreled away in various places, like this little treasure trove. Who would have thought to look in there?! Seriously. And do you notice all the chalk pencils? They sell them as a 2-pack. Just saying. Obviously I’m not alone. These, the ones below in the photo? They’re the ones I carefully stowed away in this zippered pouch that I made last summer.

Here are the others, oh so carefully placed in this basket that I purchased from a lovely Senegalese man on the street here in New York City whose family makes them. (He doesn’t have a website, I asked.)

So now I have enough chalk refills to last a lifetime. Except that I’ve got them on “subscription” because they’re always breaking, which means I have to go on to Amazon and figure out the labyrinthian system by which they do those subscription orders and spend at least an hour trying to cancel the chalk refills. When finally I’ve figured it out and am about to hit the “cancel” button, another more ominous button comes up asking, “are you sure?”
What? No. How can I be sure? Who knows when I might lose them again and anyway they break so often. So then I decide at the very last minute that maybe I should just keep them, because you never know when they might come in handy and anyway I can’t be sure and that little button is asking me if I am, and now that I think about it, I’m not sure. I’m not sure at all, in fact I’m sure of very little these days.
Oh! And while I’m at it, it wouldn’t hurt to get another chalk pencil, because in this last cleanup I couldn’t find those either. And they do come in a 2-pack, how thoughtful, so… Let me purchase another one of those and I can even save a dollar by adding them to the subscription, except that’s silly because really how many chalk pencils can one reasonably use in a lifetime?
Evidently quite a few, if you’re me.
So there’s that.
Addendum: I resisted the urge to put the chalk pencils on subscription, though I did leave the refills on. I just thought you’d want to know.
Now where did I put all my wool roving?
The thing is, I really miss you. Looking at your house makes me happy because I can see you in it being you. Also I met a horror author from around here, do you think Richard would be into an intro? Name of author Bryan Alaspa – read 2 of his books and they were good in dif ways. I feel like Book of Paul would blow his mind but don’t want to do that w/o permission.
Ibby!!!!! You can’t know how often I think of you. Seriously. And Emma just the other day said, “Ibby from Ibbia” and then began to hum a little and I said, “Do you miss Ibby?” and Em said, “Yeah…” and I said, “I do too! All the time.” I am so happy you commented here. I’ll write you properly in a few minutes. I love you. PS: Let me ask Richard. ((((Ibby))))
Lol….I get that totally. When I tidy up my studio, I find all kinds of treasures! Think I’ll just call you when I need a refill!!
Haha! Yup. I’ll have some for you. ❤️
Sounds like me. I’m always afraid of running out of supplies although that might make me be more creative in finding a way around the problem.
Haha! I’d not thought of it that way!
I don’t understand… “clean up?” =
Haha! Exactly. ❤️
Of course we all relate. You couldn’t of expressed your reality any better. Haha
PS just received your lovely card and Our Lady Undoer Knots! Thank you so much!! ❤️
What a wonderful way to start off Monday morning. Coffee, my frenchie,Juliet and reading your chalk pencil story. You do make me smile Ariane. Just finished an applique /free motion embroidery/ with a little improvisational stitching added just for fun. Just waiting to see what my next Ariane stitiching will be.
Aw… thx so much Marti. Your new project sounds wonderful!! ❤️❤️
I had looked many times for “left handed embroidery” but only recently did your teachings come up! I’m so happy! As the only left handed member of a small “crazy quilt” group, I’ve been lost. Slowly learning stitches from you and working on a block. I love your work & lean more toward what you do as opposed to traditional crazy quilting. I’m also an artist, watercolor & oil. Just can’t get the “Featherstitch”, will keep trying. . Now I can’t wait to start my day-stitching! I feel like we’re friends! From Missouri, lived in Galveston, San Francisco & now Houston area. Thank you for all you share.
Hi Mary! Thx so much Mary. I’m so glad. It makes me so happy that my little videos have helped. ❤️❤️