It’s hard to believe that this artist’s residency is coming to a close. I have just four more days here before returning to Paris. So I thought I’d do a pictorial recap of my time here so far. It’s been beyond anything I could have imagined or hoped for. Just amazing.

Gare de l’est

On the train heading toward Orquevaux!

My Studio! I can’t believe it!!

Some of the art work in the Chateau left by other artists in residence

And so it begins… getting the work up on the wall.

but now I have all of this space… I can go much bigger!

The view from my studio

Taking a morning walk with fellow artist in residence, Kevin Ford

Throwing some paint around

Adding stuff

Working and adding

Playing with shapes, getting in the blues…

Lichen always inspires

Taking a walk to clear my head and get some perspective on the challenges I’m seeing in the piece now that I’ve doubled its size.

The sheer beauty and magnitude of this place…

The boat house

The blue alien is now an ever present “issue” that I work hard to resolve…

Deciding that I have to stitch stuff down anyway…

Boldly stitching the blue insect/alien even though I have misgivings… maybe it’ll look better once it’s stitched down.

Nope it doesn’t. Annotating the work, before adding more blue, because if the blue bits are the problem, let’s throw more on there and see what happens.

The blue rabbit hole continues. I’m so deep in it I can’t see my way out.

Still I can appreciate the fabulous art all around me that covers the walls of this amazing place.

Raclette night and the fabulous Beulah van Rensburg: artistic director

The. blue continues to prove problematic.

But I’m determined…

and when all else fails, start another piece…

Fellow artists put on a puppet show for all of us, to great hilarity and fun!

and then I return to my studio to finish my little study inspired by the lichen I’ve seen on my many walks.

And on it goes… the creative process continues.
The big take away from all of this is that the process of creating is often bumpy, but if you don’t give into despair and just meet it head on matter-of-factly, the process is actually very instructive and can be wonderfully fun. It so mirrors life. Some of the things I tell myself: Don’t take it personally. You got this. It’s a momentary hiccup, what can you learn? This feels uncomfortable, but it’s okay. I’ve been here before and gotten through, I’ll get through this too. Breathe. Be patient and honor the process.
The ups and downs, the unexpected road blocks, the work arounds, it’s all there, just as in life, but making the decision to find the joy, to be present, even when I’d rather not be, that’s the trick. Right now I still haven’t resolved some of the issues I have with this piece, but I know I’ll get there eventually. It’s all part of creating and creating is always wonderful! Hard, but wonderful!
Thank you for your insight. Helpful for those times when we aren’t seeing forward progress or need others to point it out a d share with.
Thanks Debra. I always start a piece and have a feeling somewhere along the way that I’d like to leap frog to when it’s nearly finished! But lately I’ve been trying to enjoy the “ugly” moments, reminding myself that it’ll all get sorted out in the end.
I’ve loved your residency journey. I know you’ll work out the blue problem. Of course you need it and my instincts, as yours, would have been to add more. That last picture will be your key. You’ll put it away and come back with fresh eyes and know where to edit and where to add the blue that must jump out, but in just the right place.
Right. A fellow artist just wandered in and said, “What blue insect? I don’t see it.”
So it may be that I’ve got to keep working on the other little piece, which is just about finished and come back to this one. At the moment I’m feeling the pressure of – You’ve only got four more days, you better make them count! – thinking, but that actually only makes things harder. So breathing, relaxing and enjoying the process are far better options.❤️
I’m loving following your process Ariane. And this piece is going to be just amazing. My thoughts on seeing you struggle; perhaps the blue is not the problem? A friend once taught me to look at values as well as colour; the piece is very dark to the bottom right, but nowhere else; might it help to echo that in other places?
Laure – that is such a great suggestion! And, as it turns out, something I actually did a few days ago. It was interesting to see that I have almost an ombre effect happening where the darkest values are midline running horizontally. But it did give me some ideas…❤️
“What blue insect? I don’t see it.” And sometimes life immitates Kafka! Ha!
Laure makes a good point; covert your photo to graytones to test her idea.
Your colors and movement remain luscious.This will resolve. ❤
Haha! Exactly. Too funny. Yes, Laure’s comment was a really good one and reminded me that this is another trick that I should talk about. Maybe in my next video. These little workarounds are SO helpful and always are informative.
Suggestion for the trip back home. What freed you up to create and how can you replicate that at home? You mentioned several times that you dont have the space or cant throw paint. My husband pushes me to re-eval those can’ts. Temp studio space for the begininngs of larger pieces? Temp spray booth in the living room? Our living room has been turned into physical therapy clinic to get his knee replacement where it should be. Not House and Garden Magazine photo shoot ready but it is serving our needs. I love your work and am inspired. Thank You.
Diana, I just love that your husband pushes you to re evaluate “can’t”. Yes, things will be changing back in NYC!! My husband and I have been discussing!
Blue alien is definitely problematic. Maybe the blue should take on a lesser role. Maybe just blue threads sprinkled here and there. Enjoying the journey
Haha! The Blue Alien dilemma… Yes, I’ve also thought of that and have torn out quite a bit of it. Will continue to monitor the situation and will report back. ❤️
I love the blue, I think it’s beautiful, but I understand the difficulty of being in the work and feeling disturbed by something that doesn’t feel quite right.
Yes! Exactly. And even though others say – oh it’s great, you have this nagging feeling that won’t go away. So I keep at it, evaluating, trying other things and eventually I’ll figure it out, though it rarely happens on the timeline I’ve set for myself and sometimes that’s part of the problem! ❤️
We have been so fortunate to have been able to follow along while you are creating your masterpiece. So much accomplished in so little time. What a magical adventure this has been for you! I love the piece that you are designing to be given to the Chateaux … a little piece of you will be left behind …to be admired by those who come after you for years to come. I will be missing the daily videos from you. But, hey, I can watch them over again. Enjoy your final days at the Château and God bless.
Thank you so much Bobbi! It’s been such an amazing time. Just so memorable and beautiful, with thousands and thousands of unforgettable moments. I am so happy that you’ve enjoyed what I’ve posted. That makes me happy! ❤️