My mother hasn’t sent me anything in a few days other than requests for rain, which I’ve done my best to accommodate, but I only have so much reach when it comes to the weather. Speaking of which, it’s in the upper nineties here in New York City for the next couple of days and then will plummet into the mid to high seventies before rising back up. At least this is what we’re being told by meteorologists, who have the cushiest job ever, in my opinion. What other career allows you to be completely wrong more than 50% of the time and still hold onto your job? So much so that there are even a whole bunch of memes out there, like this one.

So, yeah.
But all of this hot weather means that staying inside continues to be a good idea, which means, hand stitching! Here’s what I’ve been working on.

And then there’s this one, the linen was hand dyed and given to me by the very talented Pat Pauly using Painters Threads, Stef Francis threads and The Thread Gatherer Threads. … so much fun!

To summarize: The weather isn’t cooperating, but hand stitching is always there, waiting for us.
Reached 109.2 here yesterday and I live in the woods where it is cooler! The Pacific NW is suffering but this morning is cooler thankfully.
Love the linen and stitching.
I spoke to a friend who lives in Portland yesterday. Unbelievable. Suddenly the upper nineties here in NYC doesn’t seem so bad! ❤️
It’s bee ridiculously hot here also. Over 60 high temp broken for two days running! We’ve been hotter in Nee Westminster BC than 10 hotspots in the world. This is unheard of in June!
It’s frightening actually. Spoke to Anna yesterday. 110 degrees. Unbelievable. Wishing you a cool place to spend the day. ❤️
Very hot here in Minnesota also. We are having a wee break for a day or two…then back to the 90’s. With the humidity it is necessary to run the a/c. It would be so very nice to have the windows wide open! They are saying that the first two weeks of July are going to be scorchers! Will be a good time to catch up on all your videos and get some serious stitching done! Are you off to France this year or will that take place in 2022?
Hi Bobbi! Kind of amazing. France is on hold until next spring, though I have to contact them to set up a specific date. ❤️
Ariane, I totally agree with you about the weather being forecasted; it’s often wrong less than a morning after hearing the day’s forecast. We still listen but know it’s not absolute… I feel sorry for those in the PNW, they’re breaking record after record. Even BC and Canada are breaking records now, along with having forest fires. Love seeing your progress & the work on your various projects. Thankfully there’s always a place for slow stitching. -Linda
Yes, it’s really awful what’s happening weather-wise to so many. Thankful for our stitching! ❤️❤️
Lovelyy blog you have here