My husband and I read and contemplate a philosophical reading of some kind every morning. Every now and then there is one that is so helpful it stays with me, like this one from The Daily Stoic:
“A long To-Do list seems intimidating and burdensome – all these things we have to do in the course of a day or a week. But a Get to Do list sounds like a privilege – all the things we’re excited about the opportunity to experience.”
Yesterday I was again reminded of this powerful reading as I sat waiting for my husband to be released from what we both had thought would be a minor surgical procedure. Until it wasn’t. Until things went wrong. Until this minor medical procedure turned into an all day long nightmare for him. A day in which I kept saying to myself, because of modern medicine he gets to have this procedure done, no matter how awful it is. Because of the times we live in, we get to call a car in 95 degree heat and have someone drive us to where we need to go. When stuck in traffic we get to consult WAZE and take the most expeditious route. And while waiting in the waiting room I get to have uninterrupted hours of stitching to calm my nerves.

He is home now and recuperating, for which I am extremely grateful. A big thanks to all of you who reached out to me and wrote such nice comments in my Stitching Circle.
And now I get to go do some work with my daughter and then I get to do a whole lot more stitching on my current project!

What do you get to do?
Pass on my regards to R for me, and I hope you’re ok.
I’m working very much on shifting my mood too ‘get to’ or ‘want to’ as my todo list is really long right now, and I’m having issues myself.
Today for example, I’m getting to save all my clients a tonne of headaches and swapping hackable plugins 😉 And I might get to do some more research for one of my books later, I dunno. But I think perspective is really important, always.
*hugs* take care of yourself.
Thx so much Kai. I know you’ve been going through it. I am thinking of you and sending hugs your way.
I have the privilege of going out in public again without mask and to see my family again. I get work on projects that inspire me and work with wonderful colors of thread although I cannot get all the thread I want. I admire watching you work and am trying to make mine look as good as yours. I consider it a privilege to play because I know everyone does not get to be creative or have the supplies.
Aw… thx so much Brenda. Yes, so fortunate to be able to play and explore and create! ❤️❤️
As soon as I read the post about R in hospital, I sent up bunches of positive vibes for you both. I’m so sorry it turned into an ordeal but I hope he will heal well, the trips still get to happen, and I’m sending you both lots of gentle hugs.
I get to ice dye and get great results and am having fun. I get to slow stitch to my hearts content. I get to buy some threads and experiment (though I wish I could have as many as you have). I get to look out my sunroom windows and see the birds, green trees and grass (achoo!) and I get to watch very bad golfers who think they are good (great entertainment).
I a, having some eye issues so I get to see the dr first thing tomorrow morning. I know it isn’t serious (positive thinking).
I get to know you and a few other very special people in my stitching journey, who bring me a wealth of knowledge and sharing and caring.
Much love to you and R.
Aw… thanks so much Martha. What a beautiful “Get to Do” list! Good luck with your eye appt. I’ll be thinking of you. Sending hugs.
Sorry you have had a rough few days Ariane. There is never a dull moment in life. Please Give him my best.
Your Work is beautiful and inspiring.
Now breathe and have a drink for me.Love jackquelynn
Thx so much Jackquelynn ❤️❤️
Stitching is truly a saver in these situations. I kept a bag packed for that reason. I hope you both take it easy now and both heal.
Thank you Sandy. I did think at a certain point yesterday – well I should have brought more threads! But we weren’t expecting things to go as they did. Still next time I will have more with me. ❤️❤️
Let’s hope the next time is a long way off.
Thank you Ariane. This really resonated with me this morning. “I get to rather than I have to”. I get to go to PT again to try and get these fingers working. Rather than I have to go to PT again. It sure does change the mood! I do hope you are having a better day today,
Thx so much Bobbi. I’m thinking of you and hoping the PT helps. Sending you hugs.