Have you ever noticed how when you’re traveling, time seems to move differently? The days go by both faster and slower, and once home, it can feel as though you never left. Yet simultaneously seem like you were gone for months?
That’s where I am right now. My trip to France seems like a dream, while also remains deeply embedded in my mind. It’s both real and unreal. The piece I created while at the artist’s residency, a physical reminder of my time there.

La Bete turned vertically!
Isn’t it interesting how a piece can change, often quite radically by turning it. This was done by pure accident because I needed to clear the desk it had been resting on horizontally and the only way to prop it up was to turn it vertically. I didn’t think much of it, but then my husband called to me and said, “Look!”
We both decided that we liked it better this way, so this is how it will now be! A little like time, everything shifts when you change things up and view from a different perspective.
I really love this, I thought I liked it before, but wow, the change in perspective is a game changer
When we painters are doing what we love, we often turn painting to see what else may be offered. We also look at the work by holding it up to a mirror to see what it needs. You can also take a photo, scan it in and print it out in black and white to see if it needs more work.
Ha, just read this and see that you are saying the same thing that I just wrote. Yes, a really great way to see things in a “new light”! I always take photographs and annotate on my computer as well as look at my piece in black and white, but I haven’t turned it around before! This is yet another great thing that I will now do every time!!
Isn’t it incredible? I know painters do this all the time, turning the canvas around and painting, then turning again and continuing. I just hadn’t thought of doing it, but now this will be something I do regularly!
Love it vertically. I flipped the pic and like the leaves on the top. It is beautiful!!
Thx Kathi,
I tried that as well, but I prefer it this way, both are interesting!
I must say that I agree that this looks super turned around. Now I see water flowing in over rocks. Kind of like storm at sea. Call me crazy.
Ha! Love that. Not crazy at all. ❤️
I like the vertical orientation. Beautiful. Time is funny. Dad has been gone a year yesterday. Seems like yesterday and then seems longer than real time. That too is our perspective.
Yes. My mother’s memorial is this weekend. We will be traveling to get there and then back on Monday. She’s been gone 8 months now. Seems like a lifetime and yesterday all at the same time. I get it. Sending you love.
Hugs and prayers going your way!
Thank you. ❤️
Agree! Time is unique. I understand that more or differently as my age grow. I love the new perspective of your artwork!! Sandy
Yes, age definitely changes how we view time, at least this is what I’ve found as well. ❤️
That’s amazing. It looks so much better this way, what a difference. Maybe it looks more balanced. Crazy
Yes, it’s interesting how it changed. The blue is no longer dead center, that is certainly helping, but it’s also the way things are radiating out from the right edge instead of the bottom, and there is now an ombre effect happening from top to bottom, which is adding interest as well, so compositionally this is now working nicely.
Ariane, I love it in the vertical orientation. It somehow seems more cohesive, and it’s telling a new story.
Yes, I agree. Very, very different. I’m glad you like it too!
To me, it’s more eye catching now with the weight at the bottom. Bravo! And, as they say… there are no mistakes in life.
Thx so much Barbara! ❤️
I had to look several times to recognize it, I do think this is a more pleasing orientation. And what a great idea for us to do with our own art. Thanks as always for sharing.
My daughter commented this afternoon that she is now older than her grandparents were when she was little and thought they were so old, and how that “blows mu mind”. Time is strange.
Thx so much Nancy.
Age changes all perspectives, doesn’t it?!
Beautiful. I love when that happens!❤⚘
Me too! ❤️
And the colors are yummy
Thank you! ❤️
I totally agree with you, about time. Turning work around or in another direction, not wearing glasses when you look at colours selections from a distance too. It’s lovely Ariana. . .
Yes, all good ideas!!