A documentation of the process… I’ve come to rely upon this documentation as it helps me figure the next step out. So this is how it began when I arrived and then I realized – Oh! I can create something SO much bigger!! Once that idea hit, I took all the other stuff off and began adding fabric. In fact, I doubled the size of the original piece, which was very, very exciting!!!


An idea occurs to me: I can go bigger!
Bigger it is!

Now I have to find a sewing machine so that I can piece it together…
And then I took another photograph once it was all pieced, so that I could put it up on my computer to annotate it. This step is crucial and one that I’ve come to rely on. I find it makes all the difference in the world as I can literally draw on top of the photograph, delete, play, try any number of things, play some more, move shapes around, see what I think, before committing to anything.

Where do I go from here? Annotating makes all the difference in the world!

Testing the annotated ideas…

Continuing to look, play, try out ideas…

Stepping away. Zooming back in, stepping away… this is all part of the process.

Adding a bit of blue in the upper left corner.
Now what?
Who knows?! And that’s all part of the fun of the process. Adding, moving, playing, trying out other ideas…
It’s time for lunch, and then I will return and play some more, but all in all I’m loving the process and enjoying the movement of this piece. The trick is to keep going and not allow oneself to get bogged down with doubt! Continuing is key!! And loving every moment helps as well.
Wow! I am beginning to see and understand the importance of annotating your work in progress. This is a completely new process to me in the last month. Huge implications and ramifications! I can see you are also validating your work in progress. Huge game changer!
Yes, exactly. It is such an important part of the process. ❤️
Oh what freedom!
Oh Ariane, what a sheer pleasure you are experiencing, and it’s so exciting for us to see let loose and enjoying something so beautiful.
Thx so much Suzanne. It has been incredible so far. ❤️
Just curious, where do you eat? Are they provided, or are you on your own?
Oh yes, there is a ridiculous amount of food here with breakfast and an enormous dinner provided. Everyone is on their own for lunch, but there are left overs from the night before always, so no one is going hungry!! The chef, Marie, is very talented and the food has been beyond delicious.
What fun building you’re piece. Then there’s that atmosphere, space, the food and people.
Yes, exactly. Amazing. Just amazing…
This is so fun. A big place to build your piece, what a view, good food & people around you with same mind set!
It is a wonderful opportunity. I’m so grateful!
This size is wonderful, and I completely relate to your process ! Process is what I love about relating to artists. Thank you for this inspiring post !
Yes! Agreed. ❤️
I just continue to be in total gratitude for the opportunity you are providing us to be able to come along with your exciting residency. Truly, I wouldn’t blame you one little bit for just immersing yourself and shutting the rest of the world out. I would love to know what program you use for “drawing” on the image of your piece. Something really clicked for me in seeing this step, and I know that’s something I need to be doing. Do you use procreate?
Hi Leslie, Thanks so much!
I just use the program that comes with my Mac when I upload a photograph it shows up on Preview and one is able to annotate. It’s very basic, but meets my needs. I’m sure one could do the same though with any of the more complicated programs out there like photoshop.
I love the process, I will need to see if I can annotate a photo. so much easier than adding and subtracting pieces.
yes! So much easier!! Let me know how it goes.
Hi, Ariane, did you know that you had French ancestors ? Huguenots who have flown from France to Berlin in 18th century.
Johann Heinrich Nitze (born 27.09.1769) married Susanne Marie Friot. Her father came from France to Berlin.They had a grandchild, called Johann Heinrich Karl Nitze ( born 18.08.1930 in Magdeburg). He emigrated to Baltimore.
Enjoy your stay in France.
Best regards
Friederike Gross-Plessing
Hi Friederike, thank you so much for reaching out to me regarding my ancestors!! I did NOT know that. My mother, who recently died, was the genealogist in the family, and I’m sure must have known that, but I don’t remember her mentioning it. I’m very happy to know. How did you come upon this information, and if you don’t mind my asking, why!? Are you related? Thank you again!